Caring for Your New Tattoo/Piercing
Tattoo Aftercare
For a plastic wrap bandage, leave on 2 hours, or up to overnight.
For saniderm bandage, you may leave on for up to 24 hours.
If your artist recommends using a second saniderm bandage, that second bandage can be left on for up to 6 days after cleaning the area and rebandaging. For more info visit
When ready to remove bandage, have an unscented antibacterial soap ready. (Dr. Bronner’s castile soap, Dial liquid antabacterial soap) Wash your hands with soap, then use soap and cool water to wash off any blood, plasma, ink, or skin that may have sloughed off while your tattoo was resting. Wash gently until clean.
Do not rebandage!!
Do not touch your fresh tattoo with a towel to dry. Let air dry, or use a clean paper towel if you must.
If your skin feels tight or dry after washing, you may apply a petroleum based ointment to the tattoo. (aquaphor, A and D ointment, cerave healing ointment) Only a very thin layer is needed, do not over saturate with ointment. You may apply 1-2 times a day. You may also skip this step and wait until day 3 to apply an unscented lotion if you aren’t experiencing any discomfort due to dryness.
If you live with animals or your tattoo is in an area that is easily bumped, it’s a good idea to cover the area with clean, breathable clothing for the first 1-3 days. Cotton or breathable workout clothing is best.
If your tattoo continues to ooze, monitor it and wash it with the soap 1-2 times a day until it dries out. If your tattoo continues to ooze, you may be applying too much ointment.
Around day 3, you may switch to an unscented lotion if you prefer. (Cerave moisturizing cream, Curel, Lubriderm). 1-3 times a day or as needed. Your tattoo will begin to peel around day 5-7. Do not scratch or pick at the area. Applying lotion will help with the itchiness.
Tattoos take two weeks to heal on average.
Do not soak your tattoo while it is healing, This includes bathing, hot tubs, swimming, dish washing, etc. Showers are fine. Exercising is fine, but do not wear clothes that rub on the area, especially while sweating, and do not exercise in a public space with a bandaged tattoo! Do not exercise with a fresh tattoo exposed to gym surfaces either. Breathable workout clothing that covers the area is recommended as well as a shower immediately after sweating. Avoid recreational water activities, gardening, or contact with animals for two weeks.
Avoid sun exposure during the healing process. After your tattoo is healed applying sunscreen before sun exposure will help your tattoo stay brighter longer.
Infection at the procedure site is rare, but it does happen. Signs and symptoms of infection include but are not limited to, excessive redness, excessive swelling, excessive tenderness of the procedure site, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site. If you have any of these symptoms seek medical care immediately.
Piercing Aftercare
Wash the piercing two times a day with soap and water. Wash hands first, then mix a couple drops of soap in a cup of water with a q-tip, or in the shower, clean both the front and back, being careful to clean away all crusty scabs from the jewelry. Then rinse well with water. Be sure to check piercing for any missed crusty scabs.
Most piercings take about 6 months to heal outside and another 6 months to heal the inside.
Using a saline solution once a day is good for reducing inflammation and speeding up the healing process. Use it after washing with soap and water. (Saline solution does not replace regular washing with soap and water.) Sterile saline solution can be purchased (apply spray and go) or made at home with two pinches of sea salt in warm water (swab piercing with a q-tip or soak in a cup for a couple minutes then rinse well with clean water).
Do not touch piercings. Piercings heal more quickly when left alone during the day. No twisting, and no turning.
Do not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
Tighten jewelry every now and then to prevent loosening or lost balls.
If jewelry falls out or experiencing pain or discomfort please contact piercer right away for any assistance.
You can always contact us with any questions you might have!